Dating does he like me
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He will lean his upper body towards you, take you by the elbow or put his hand on the small of your back when walking, accidentally bump into you, invade your space by moving his wine glass into your side of the table, brush against your hand or arm when emphasizing a point. Everytime my friends that are girls and I walk around and we see him, he always looks away because he is super shy.
Trust me, life has a way of really surprising you. Between what happens is that the girl gets aggravated and will wait for a response, once they get it they are actually happy. And that he thinks we should jst be frnds. This man I possibly love more than any man I have ever met. What do I do. But if the responsible guy gets extra nervous around you, then he probably likes you.
Although I think there may have been a time when I missed him attempting to ask me out. Again, Thank you so much for the articles that you have posted and your emails, I truly appreciate them. I told him how I have very bad panic attacks on planes. Every day, on , in the comments section, in the , in my inbox … day in and day out I hear variations of the same question: Does he like me?
DATING ADVICE FORUM - First, I want to tell you a story about a girl I met in high school. I know how hard it is not to take such things personally.
There are other things along those lines as well. Does he like me or am I overreacting? At the heart of all of these games and guesses is doubt. The reality is that playing emotional detective usually only succeeds at doing one thing: Making the girl go absolutely crazy. But you have to get good at believing in yourself and assuming that what you want to be true, is true. Put your focus on really liking yourself and believing that the types of guys you like also like you… The more you like yourself and believe that you can have what you want, the more likely you actually will. So make sure you let the first part of what I said sink in. OK, so what are some signs you can tell if he likes you? If he does several of these things, he likes you. Sounds like yes, in your case. Smiling is sexy and inviting, it is super attractive to guys. I think it is really sad these days that magazines, movies and the modeling industry push the idea that looking pissed off is sexy. I guarantee that the smile picture will score much higher. Working out will give you a positive glow, inside and out, so definitely work that into your life. You will look and feel better — both are important. Again, teasing is not for everyone, but if you can incorporate it into your style while still having the vibe that you are a nice girl, you can usually stir a guy up in a good way. OK, I say this next part with caution — do not abuse this. There is a truth about people men and women that we value what we have to work for. In the beginning stages of dating or attracting a man or woman, it can help spark chemistry if you mix signs of interest with signs of not being interested. People refer to it as sending mixed signals or playing hard to get. We met when I was only 15 and he was 17. Over the passed 8 years we have both been in relationships- long ones and short ones. But, despite having dated other people, he has still made sure to remain in contact with me respectfully of course over these 8 years. Any clue on what this means and what should I do? May 29, 2017, 1:21 am I need some help pls. There is a guy that I catches staring at me. Sometimes, he gets closer to me. He makes an eye contact to me but I am the one who break it. Then sometimes I can see him grinning while looking at mebut he never admitted that he likes me and i never admitted that I like him too. Does he likes me?? What should I do? Should I stop liking him or not?? March 8, 2017, 4:38 am CAN ANYONE PLEASE TELL ME IF THE GUY LIKES ME OR NOT IN THE COMMENTS HERE PLEASE!! TELL ME AM I TOO LATE OR I CAN MANAGE EVERYTHING EVEN NOW IF THERE IS!! He got out of a relationship about a month ago and his ex is now one of my good friends. But, the thing is i think he likes me. He always gives me hugs and touches me also he gave me a shoulder massage and massaged down my back too. We always flirt and when he is saying goodbye he gives me a hug and buries his nose in my neck. I dont know if he likes me or what but im sortof mixed weather i like him or not too. February 3, 2017, 4:38 pm I met this guy abt two years ago on the internet,for months he wanted me to go out on a date with him but I usually turn him down cos I was seeing someone. Was already calling me his gf,I was shocked and had to ask him if we were dating and then he told me he really really likes me he even said he loves me like I thought we were just having fun,he was hurt wen I said that. Am I wrong for dating this guy? But this summer vacation I met someone also from the Netherlands, we met in France at a camping area and we had a click. I liked him so much and he me too. But today my boyfriend asked to me if I wanted to be his girlfriend and I said yes because I liked him 6 months ago and thought the feelings were still there. And idk what to do.. And he has always kissed me whenever we saw each other. I love him so much. July 3, 2016, 1:03 pm Was married 17 years and finally am delegated and now divorcing. Good advice; not selfish although the he seems to have gotten frustrated when I mentioned a guy who recently called. Our kids were best friends and we agreed never to be alone together while I was married out of respect that our kids were friends. After moving 1500 miles away I sense something stronger than ever before. He asked for my address to send a book he bought me. I have no idea what it is. Every time we were ever around each other inambunconfortable, gritty, I feel tension…. Well now his kids are moved away 16 and 17 and no longer spend time with mine; I notice things he says or emails that seem like a puzzle. It seems our life plans are similar and heading the same way. I have felt giddy and excited and like I was in love before…but this has hit me like a ton of bricks. May 26, 2016, 5:02 am I got drunk at a party and sent a guy nudes when I got home. He is popularish and I was confused at first as to why he was asking me but he did. I told my best friends and they laughed with me but then told other people. Does he mean I have a reputation and by associating with him I kind of transferred it or does he mean the reputation of someone who receives and sends nudes? Which he already has. May 23, 2016, 11:33 pm hey Eric from last august i am in love with boy he works at the grocery store but i think he is between 18-20 and i am 17. May 22, 2016, 10:03 pm Hi Eric, I am so confused and would love your advice. Since then, we have hung out and been a few more great dates all in which he has put together. He has had some emotional things happen to him with a person close to him getting really sick and he come to me for support and we spoke about everything. Everything when I am with him is AMAZING!! He seems like a genuine and nice guy but from my history I keep second guessing him. April 14, 2016, 9:57 pm hey ,I met a guy and we have been talking for the past four months. I first send him an message not expecting any responds from him. But nine months later in November I got an email from him. I recently talked to him and I told him I love him and after I send the message I realize what I said and he just snicker. I do find him attractive, but his personality and just how he is is what draws me in. I first gave him my number almost a month ago, but never received a text. Rather than leaving it alone, I asked him to go to the Military Ball with me, to which he replied that he would. Both of us are shy and introverted with anxiety, so, in order to take stress off him, I usually text first. On the other hand, he said that he finds relationships to not be as worth it at an earlier age both of us just turned 18. So…why are there so many mixed signals? He asked me out before we became friends, i was underage he wasnt, he quit his job and we went our separate ways. A year later i was dating this other guy B and he happened to be friends with A. B and i split up and are on good terms A B and i would hang out from time to time. Anyway while i was dating B , A was always around for me to talk to and we got really close. Anyway a few years ago i said something about how i wished we had went out which i do and how us going out probably would have saved me from the bad relationships i had after. He told me he was glad we never did he was a jerk and we probably wouldnt be the friends we are now. We have only had one misunderstanding where we stopped talking, for 6 months, and when he asked me why i hadnt talked to him i told him i thought he hated me. He told me no he couldnt hate me. The rest of the time we joke around, have debates with eachother, challenge eachother, tease, and just be ourselves. B that we hadnt seen in years, was out with us, about 4 months ago and asked about A and my relationship, i just looked at him as if he grew a horn and asked what he meant. Not to mention he closes his eyes. Now for the questions Does it sound like there is a thing there, or is he just being a good friend? Should we try if there is? How could i have had him confused since the day i meant him? Thanks in advance for any help. Red February 21, 2016, 5:12 am Hey I am in desperate help of your Eric! There is this guy I really really like. We met in holiday vacations for the first time. He was kinda my best frnds ex boyfrnd! But they are still frnds as they have a whole group of old frnds from uni. So they as far as I know are jst good frnds now.. So during vacations we started liking each other.. And he told me that how amazing he thinks I am and how much he want to be with someone like me. I kept putting him off and then finally the whole flirting and all turned into hooking up.. And asked the guy to shop with the whole thing.. So he wanted me to be more private and not show our affection infront of her.. And that he thinks we should jst be frnds. Thought it hurt me inside real bad. Couple of days passed he called me up being all nice and sweet again telling me how much he was missing me. So ransom txt and calls started.. He would call me once a day or drop in a couple of txt every day.. And then one day he came to meet me forgot to mention we live in different countries but only 1hr far by plane all the way from his country saying that he wants to spend time with me and he wants to tell me something. I thought Maybe this was it.. We met spend the whole day together had an amazing time. Which was very hurtful for me.. I mean she is his ex! And he cares more about her me? Telling me how special I was and that how amazing he thinks we are together.. That night we stayed together at my place.. Everything was going well until the time came to take off his pants! I want him to commit to me! He started off that he want to do it with me someone who he thinks he can have a long relationship with which is weird! But all night long he kept on telling me while we did other things that how hot I was! And that he loved me And how hard it was for him to control! I tried so hard so hard to turn him on enough that he could not control! Coz he thinks things become more serious if u have sex! We have been talking more on call and txt.. He has been more caring towards me.. And today he told me that he wants to come over again but this time for a week.. And want to spend more time with me.. I am falling for this guy! Or should I keep loving and taking care of him until he feels the same way for me.. Is he still in love with her ex? I really like him.. So I get on a generous man site. I shoot many down but not in a mean way. Suddenly a handsome rich man shows interest. We exchange messages until with satisfactory he ask for my number. We text back and forth. I have to make most of the conversation. He is happy with our talk. He continues to text asking for different favors. At a point I send a less attention getter video of who I am. Immediately after watching he says he wanted something more explicit. He has already asked and received his other similar request and was happy. He is aware that I am unskilled and acknowledge my inexperience and reluctance in doing certain favors but he continues to ask for favors. After last request which I was a bit uncomfortable with and it may have shown I send and he just stops all contact completely. What did I do? He was so into me. Now he cut me off completely. And he will not tell me why. But when the one I want comes I may try too hard to please him. Game never really works in the end. Playing with folk minds. Either we both will be real with our likes or forget it. January 10, 2016, 7:28 am so there is a guy I liked and he use to like me then said he liked me as a friend. Now he is giving me mixed feeling and mixed looks. A and i are very close best friends. People used to say that we love each other and we are hiding it but there was nothing like that. We were sincerely best friends, at that time we both were not dating anyone, we were both singles but never thought of dating each other. No one believed that we were dating till A got a girlfriend,i was happy for him but the worst part was that his gf disliked me. Because she thought i can take A from her anytime so,she started the mission of separating us. First she started telling him that she wanted to be both his best friend and his girlfriend which means that i should backoff then. I could do anything to save our friendship and to make things easy for him. She told him that she hacked his phone so she can see whom he is chatting with and whom he is talking to. As always he told me everything when we meet up and as always i made his work easier by coming with the idea of writing letters to each other. We then used to write letters to each other,we used to write the letters at night then he gives the letter to his sister when she is leaving the house and i used to exchange the letter with his sister when she brings his letter. His sister was our Postman. He could get angry but he was happy thinking that we can now communicate through phone and no more troubling his sister. Things went on like that,playing hide and seek with his girlfriend. It was stress but also fun,we learnt a lot and our friendship became stronger and stronger as things get harder and harder. Anyway,that unhealthy competition helped me a lot, i got to know that no one can separate me and A. He always stops me from dating. He then starts calling me,visiting me every day,chatting with me the whole day. Now am planning to propose to him on the new years eve. But how do i propose to him? Yeah i know he has a girlfriend but she is about to move to USA. Am really confused, should i do it or should i not. And if it is to do it,what will i tell him,what will i say when i would be proposing to him. Oh my,Please help,i really need help in this. December 30, 2015, 4:38 pm Okay. Is he really into me or am I just imagining it? Should I tell him anyways? Would you think the mixed signals mean something? December 6, 2015, 10:19 pm Oy, where to begin. I have a manager who became a friend over the years. We both have kind of hit relationship snags lately. He always asks how home life is going. He pulls me in his office to talk about personal life stuff. He wants me to help him with work stuff all the time. When I walk by him he always smiles and says my name. Most the time my full name. He comes up to me randomly at work to vent or to just talk or say hi. Thanks from this super naive girl. November 24, 2015, 5:24 pm Hi Eric, Please give me your opinion. I move abroad 3 years ago. Before that I was going out with a guy for two years, we never got to date formally but become very good friends and lovers. After, I moved to USA, we keep in contact, he never got a girlfriend but just recently a week ago I saw some pics of him with a girl that is his girlfriend. To my desapoinment I wish him well without making any drama, I even told him that he deserves to be happy. He told me that we are far away and whith out seen each other for so long thinks were very difficult realistically. After all this we both agreed to continue being good friends and not let this situation affect our friendship. So, now yesterday I stopped by to say hi to him in a Pm and he started telling me how beautiful I look in my new profile picture and asking me to sent him pictures of me. Is he happy with his girlfriend? He never was this time of man, he always was very serious. Any advise I will very much appreciate it a lot. November 19, 2015, 11:44 am hi Eric Charles, please help me with this situation. His friends always would say something if I was there and they still do, I even took the quiz mentioned and it said he definitely liked me. Up until yesterday I thought he liked me as I always saw him glancing at me. But my best friend texted him and asked him if he liked me, his response was only as a friend then changed to maybe. When I went to school today he did talk to me and we laughed like usual but something seemed off. The last period I had at school we had a couple minutes to ourselves and my teacher felt generous enough to let us talk amongst ourselves. I thought I saw him glancing at me today but he might have been looking somewhere else in my direction. We have hungout and we have gone on dates, we have kissed and everything else except have sex. He has told me he wants me. Then later on he starts texting me out of the blue again like nothing happened. Idk if that makes since. For example: he text me and said hey sexy what u doing? So I replied what I was doing and then i said I missed him. October 13, 2015, 9:05 am Hi, so I am having an internal debate with myself on whether this guys likes me or not. So I have met him 6 weeks ago for an exchange programme, and we started talking normally, since we were in a small foreign group together we would always eat, go out and have classes together. And at the beginning I thought he liked her too. Then a week after we met, we went out and she started saying how she thinks he likes me and how she knows I like him too — since it was crystal clear her words. Which I didnt know where she was taking such ideas from. Then we — this guy and I — started to talk and whenever we were having dinner we would make faces at each other, we became slightly childish; everytime I was walking alone or at the back of the group he would somehow be there next to me. Would playfully annoy me and find ways to have small conversations. But there were also times where he would be talking to his friends or stay quiet. Then once we had a group chat I gave my snapchat away so that if anyone wanted to add me they could. He was the first one to do it. Whenever we circled in a group he would come up and be centimeters away from my face, maybe he was just playing. And the closest we touched was forehead to forehead when I was telling him to drink slowly and drink with a straw hahahaha. We would sit down next to each other or just play around. Whenever we would see each other he would make stupid faces and I would smile or laugh at them. Now that I came back to my country we still keep in contact, when I message 95% of the time he answers straight away and so do I. My friends say that he likes me and he is interested, so I mustered half the balls to ask him online, because his friends kept interrupting whenever we seemed to be alone in person. And he said that he likes me as a friend and would be stupid to have anything go further in 5 weeks, which I understand since we dont even live in the same country. Also we had friends that had a relationship during these weeks and knew that they would end the relationship once the programme ended and this guy said he didnt want to do the same thing to anyone. And he said that we became friends and stayed as friends We still kept in touch everyday and it seemed like I was always the last person he speaks to before he sleeps. The time I asked him for favours or suggested something he would do ir or accept it. Most of the time he is the one to message. I dont know if its because he is being a good friend or maybe he does like me. I dont know I am the worse person to understand signs from guys, so maybe I am already in the friend zone and hoping he would like me just a little bit for nothing. His friend — well the guy he met before we went to the exchange programme said that he is not the womanizer kind of guy, so what is he? Can you please help me understand him. He iss getting me really confused and messed up inside. What exactly is it that women do to make the guy feel like a winner? That was one of my common questions that I just wanted to ask you and for you to elaborate more on if you do not mine of course. I was recently in a relationship a few months ago with someone who, at first I was not interested in, but after getting to know him, I realized that he seem very nice and interesting after all. He also has never brought me any gifts for me to show that he really likes me. After everything, I still had feelings for him by the end of the day. Til this day, I still feel some type of way for him, even thought were not together anymore. Before long, I have never been in a real relationship, hell, I never been asked out on a date. I used to ask some of my female friends who had a real relationship for advice. I would ask them questions like how did you meet him? Where do you go to find a guy? The majority have said that they have meet men online, around their neighborhood or even at church. I am not a party person, I do hang out at the park or movies and eat out at restaurants, but you will never find me in night clubs or bars. So I wanted to ask you these basic questions including this last one next; where and how can I meet not just any guy the right guy for me? I really hope that you read this short letter, I would like to hear your answers or comments that you might have from reading this personal text; You already know my email so your can just send your replies there. Again, Thank you so much for the articles that you have posted and your emails, I truly appreciate them. Sincerely, Nathalie : September 15, 2015, 12:31 pm Hi! Two weeks after my first day he texts me, we talk and we agree to go drink in tokyo and spend the night there. When we are alone he never tries anything, never speaks about us and has not initiated a text convo. I have when i needed him for something but he has not answered to the last one just quietly done what i needed him to do. At work i am always associated with him and we occasionally spend the day as if we were best friends.. He has introduced me to literally everyone that he knows. I used to be sure he liked me after our text convos and have tried to give hints that i like him too, but now i am not sure???? August 23, 2015, 11:22 am I really need advice. The only thing I know of is in a previous conversation he state you looking for a relationship…. Jeez this is exasperating, I got used to him and now I want him outta my head for good. What do I do!? July 22, 2015, 11:25 pm Theirs this guy who works right next door to me. I work in that store with my mom she owns it well sometimes I catch him looking at me,passing by the store alot. Like today while I was cleaning I saw him standing in his store and he was just looking at me and I know I saw him look at me its not just in my head. Also today I caught about 3 times standing by the exit of his store looking at me. June 15, 2015, 12:52 am My bf, used to visit me every weekend! He asked me once bout my feelings for him, I told him I love him, he told me, he is crazy bout me! What do I do? What do I think? I love spending time with him! He is real a fun loving guy to be with! Do you ever get to leave this place? The fact that he called you chick means nothing lol March 22, 2015, 5:53 pm Ok, I have been seeing this guy sporadically, mostly every other weekend. We text a bit throughout the week, but do not speak much via phone. We hug on every departure; the hugs seem to be getting longer, and he looks me in the eye when we talk. March 5, 2015, 1:04 am Long story here. I started working at a grocery store a year ago. I was very shy and not very talkative. This other bagger was very nice and started conversations with me. What was he like? Would you go back to him? One day he told me another co-worker said that I was the perfect girl for him and that he should take me to dinner. I just told him our co-worker is being silly. Slowly, things progressed, one day I was having a bad day, so I went outside during break and he was going home, He noticed I was sad, so he walked over, I tried to pull away, but he kept getting closer. And asked what was wrong. A couple weeks later, we were in the break room, and he was playfully teasing me. I accidentally tripped and felt stupid, but he found it cute. He added me on facebook as well. The day came to go, and I went there. After about 20 mins, I texted him. He told me his brother had a heart attack and asked if we could schedule, so not to be a bitch, I gave him the benefit of the doubt and said sure. He kept asking if I was mad and apologize. I told him I understood. He brought up rescheduling a few times, but I never did. After a while, his flirting and attempts stopped. One of our co-workers got divorced, and I saw these two come from the yogurt shop. So I assumed he was interested in her, She was on my facebook friend list and so is he, and she was on his as well. Until recently, he started in again. I was upstairs and he was waiting to clock in. I was sitting there. He starts looking at me and smiling. I glance his way, and he smiles, I look away and go back to texting. I start watching youtube videos and he starts making weird noises. I start laughing, and he does too. So I wrote hi. And then he sat and watched me, I read it, but I kept watching youtube. And keeps looking at me until I finally text. He asked me to lunch again, and gave me his days off. The next day, same situation. Except I got the hiccups, and he started teasing me. And he started talking about how much was his favorite month and asked me to guess. I again got the hiccups and got up and got a drink of water from the fountain. So I guessed he liked march because it was his birthday. He said yep, guess my day. I said the day and it was a day off. He said maybe go to hard rock. I told him how I have very bad panic attacks on planes. Would you feel better? I really hate flying. Then he asked if I liked hockey and had ever been to a game. That night when I went on to facebook, our other co-worker had posted a disney quiz she shared. I was puzzled as usually facebook states when we have mutual friends. Then I noticed he was no longer on her list. Either he removed her or she removed him. Made me think that he was just leading me on and their involved. Got a bit hurt, but I went on with my night. Next day was my day off, so I went in and got a haircut in the salon next door to my store. Then I went into the store to buy a snack and kitten food. I was cashing out and he was bagging. I was waiting to clock in. He was walking by to go bag, and then he looked and saw me. He started walking over in my direction, but I pulled a way a bit. He always fidgets with his clothes a lot. And the customer asked how he was doing. But I need a good woman in my life. He always is trying to please my mother. I try to make him jealous at times by hanging out with other guys. Jay January 22, 2015, 3:15 pm Hi! I am a freshman in high school and I have three guys that I THINK are interested but I have no idea how to be sure. The first one I have known FOREVER since like, second grade. He will talk to me and tease me. Sometimes I even catch him staring at me. He also tends to sometimes ignore me. He will like touch me and stuff, but he does so to like EVERYONE. He has also talked to me about this other girl he likes. Mixed signals… The second one is a sophmore who I just met doing a play. He will goof around with me and tease me especially. He tries to talk to me but we are in rehearsals… The third one is a football player in my math class. I sat next to him the first semester and he would constantly compliment me on my drawings. This semester we both moved teachers and we are in the same period math. We were put in a group to work on a worksheet and he teased me in a good way about my stupid anticipation of the fire drill that was planned. January 21, 2015, 9:27 pm I have been seeing this guy since july, we met online and he was charming. Throughout the summer we saw each other on a good basis but then school started and we only saw each other once every month. And the times that we saw each other after the last time having sex he would make the effort of taking the train from his school to come see me in my town but he has only done that twice right before the last time we have sex and after. At that time the 2nd time he came to see me I felt myself being kinda clingy to him and him being kind distant but still good to me after that time we had made plans to see each other thanksgiving weekend because he was going to have his car. December 31, 2014, 6:31 pm He is obviously not into you. A It will only hurt you worse. I say, get out of the mentally abusive relationship before you regret the heartache and tears. There are way more men out there that will love and appreciate you. You must know your self worth. February 10, 2015, 11:42 pm I have been seeing this guy since july, we met online and he was charming. Throughout the summer we saw each other on a good basis but then school started and we only saw each other once every month. And the times that we saw each other after the last time having sex he would make the effort of taking the train from his school to come see me in my town but he has only done that twice right before the last time we have sex and after. At that time the 2nd time he came to see me I felt myself being kinda clingy to him and him being kind distant but still good to me after that time we had made plans to see each other thanksgiving weekend because he was going to have his car. December 31, 2014, 6:30 pm What do I say to my ex on text for him to naturally be committed to me? Now he is just checking me out but likes someone else meanwhile. He always comes back to me so many times and leaves me for a another girl. Why would he always come back to me! Give me some advice pleaseeeee! Ps : the way he acts he unreal he always leaves and he just not committed , how do I make him committed to me what do I say? November 28, 2014, 3:45 pm Please help me i need your advice!! We know each other through chatting application a years ago. We lived in different country. We began our relationshiph as friend… he told me he like me and i told him i like him to… every day we became more intimated… And suddenly many things happened for past 6 months. We once stopped contacting each other for about 4 or 5 months. During that time i suddenly realized that i really love him… My friend told me to give up because its impossible to us to be together. I know it well, but at least i just wanna confessed to him about my feeling. He replay with surprised. He keep apologize and said that he was a bad man who hurt me. That time i knew for sure he already reject me, so i think i need to give up on him. He also asked me to wait for him some years until he have enough money to see me. But suddenly he stop contacting me and said he was busy etc. I dont know what should i do. I mean, i began to doubt is he really love me or not. The told me it hopeless but i really want to prove them it wasnt hopeless at all. But things that he stop contact me is really disturbing. Im afraid that he will leave me. Its the first time for me feeling like this. Thank you so much and sorry for my bad english. November 28, 2014, 1:25 am Hello Eric I guess I really need your help.. There is that one guy that I like and I am not sure he likes me or not. But he is really nice to meet like overly nice to me. He cooked me dinner more than twice. He tried to tease me like playful tease. He started the conversation even it is not necessary. He always said he is protecting me or will protect me. When I told him that he cannot carried me,he carried me half of the way home. He touch my back sometimes and invade my personal space. But he told how other girls are hot infront of me and I feel jealous. Do you think he is interest in me? I need to know this. I am 21 and he is 25. He was heavy into drugs and alcohol and I was neive enough at that point in time to not know what addiction was. Long story short, we parted ways, pretty much with me destroying his life for a good 2 to 3 months. I convinced him and his family that I was pregnant.. It was a horrible thing to do. I spent the following 3 years with this lingering fear that he would come back and destroy my life as I had his. Eventually, my secret was made common knowledge and I was past the fear. Over the years, he would facebook message me here and there, and I would either ignore it or tell him to leave me alone. Back in June of this year, I was in the middle of an Awakening and I was pretty much cleansing myself of all the bad. I finally admitted to him that I lied about it everyone knew but it was the words that meant something and apologized and he forgave me. We talked here and there until a little over a month ago when he walked in to my store out of no where! It was a bit strange the first meeting, but we instantly clicked right back into our comfort zone. I asked him why he came. He said he was tired of thinking about me and not doing anything about it. He regretted the influence he was under during our time together and wanted to do it again. He is 100% clean of all drugs and alcohol I am as well , and our connection just keeps growing. We live an hour away from one another and we work crazy hours the both of us. Please, any comments, or advice, to keep him in my life forever would be very much appreciated. November 24, 2014, 8:59 pm hello eric! Am I too assuming if I would say that this guy really likes me? He once told me that he wanted me to be his girlfriend and I told him that we could never possibly be. November 24, 2014, 6:55 am My ex keeps on starring at me and he starting to check me out alot and he passes by my locker at school at the end of the day. But im not talking to him? Will he ever talk to me again? Does he like me again? Should I wait until he talks to me or should I start it? November 6, 2014, 9:33 pm so this has happened to me before, and my ex did like me a little but only because he re saw that i was attractive once we got back together we both realized why we had broken up. I did this in another occasion and he was begging for me but once i showed that i was interested in him more then he was in me he disappeared again. December 31, 2014, 6:43 pm Eric: Hi, how are you? I need you explain at first the circumstances of all of this. So I was working at the switchboard head office of a Bank last summer and as you can imagine we actually receives thousand of calls every day from professionals. He asked me many questions about what I like, what kind of person I am, and blablabla. But right after the BBQ ended, he called me at the office, and said that he had to drink mojitos because I was not there. In our first messages, we used to speak very politely, and the 30th August he started speaking casually. One thing, that might be important, it is that after he came back from holiday and before I had to leave to my new city, we planned to meet. The second, during one week I had no news so I sent him a message back and he explained that someone died and this was on 2th October. He always ask me how I am doing, if a made friend in my new city cause I moved from Paris to Grenoble. We laughed about a funny subject, however about it he just said that the principal is that I still be myself which is the most important. Before we became friend on Facebook, he never sees me, no pictures, nothing. And after Facebook, there was pictures, there was no more office, so no more calls. Because I wanted to to hear he voice again, I gave him my phone number, saying hat he could call anytime, and so he said that he would call me by the end of the week and it is been one month. So please, tell me, what is going on? Thank you for reading it, for your answer, and also for everything you do here. But he is dating a girl. He fixes his hair, and even brushes up against me sometimes. Does he like me, or is he just playing a game? September 29, 2014, 1:54 am I have a male friend that I have known for about 12 years. In the beginning we were just getting to know each other. About 2 years ago he started tutoring me alone at his place for my physics class. That was when I really started to fall for him. Before he was just the cute guy friend. Over the last couple years we saw a movie alone, did other one on one activities and in my opinion flirting with each other. The one thing that has always thrown me off is the fact that I need to start the conversations most of the time with him. We have some things in common- movies and music taste, same opinion of morals and we are both loyal people. Over the last couple years he has stared at me longer than needed, showed off to get my attention, let his hands linger when passing me items, been protective of me when strange men to him, I know whom they are approach me to chat, stand shoulder to shoulder with me, hold an umbrella for me once, pays for everything and always stay back to help me carry stuff. He recently has taken an interest in the freaky sexual stuff I am interested in. He also confided in my recently to the point where he broke down. Also I just have to mention that we have a long distance relationship, but for the past three weeks we have been traveling up and down to see each other. I was open for this, but I am receiving a load of mixed signals, so much that I feel I am getting whiplash from moving back and front with this guy. After the no feeling relationship he wanted for now, he has asked me three times to leave my pills, so that I can have his baby, he has suggested five times that I move in with him and that he will buy me a car etc. I am very independent and he has a lot of money, but this does not matter to me, and even though I really like him, I feel very insecure, as when I start hinting in a direction that I am having feelings, he just reminds me again of the non-feeling relationship we have. What should I do? August 25, 2014, 7:41 am I REALLY like this guy, Danny. I ride the bus for 2-3 hours to go hang out with him at his place, nothing really happens but usually I stay with him from 9am-8pm. One of my friends asked me to date him 6 separate time August 6, 2014, 11:50 pm Had a guy boarding at my house a few years back, like over 10 years ago. I think he did like me as I felt him staring at me on the sly quite a few time. Long story short he moved out after a year and within the next year following had married someone else second marriage for him. So wtf is up with that. Now my friend has a crush on him and stuff. She hangs out with him and other people in their neighborhood often. When I see him he seems to glance at me a lot and tease me. My friend was upset an told me that he talks about me all the time. Does he like me? What am I supposed to do? July 5, 2014, 10:12 pm Help. We joke, play-fight, tease, compliment, and are pretty close to each other. We talk about everything, even the difficult stuff. He has a girlfriend. It was a 3 yr relationship. July 1, 2014, 12:52 am I like dis guy from work.. He was so nice to me a couple of days.. Complimenting about my smile n how cheerful I was.. Then he just gives me tat look.. Not starting a conversation like he used to start before. He has noticed me talking to a couple of guys from. Does dis guy reli like me. May 26, 2014, 2:46 am Yeah — I agree with you. Another way more accurate way to put it would be to say that they were never on the same page. Maybe the guy wanted to have a casual, no-strings attached fling and she wants him to get down on one knee and have babies right now. I blame Hollywood for this perverse notion… February 19, 2014, 2:42 pm I know he is into me and i know HOW he is into me. These words are very simple. I want more from him but I also know what our relationship is. So i can confide he likes me but i cant confide Im his one and only …but i can act like i am until, he makes it clear im not. Be happy when hes into you. He is into you. Its the same with men. Its almost like woman want to conquer in an ultimate way whereas men just want to conquer. Women need to see things on a basic level if they want to reach a man at all. Much clarity should ensue …in time i think. December 4, 2014, 7:10 pm Hi Eric, I need some help… I feel so silly doing this but I have gotten to a point where things have got weird. I have tried to ask him out I put my self out there for this guy and he like wont respond. I guess I came on to strong for him. I thought it was a good idea and that if it was a double date he wont feel pressured. I mean it was once. I need some advice… January 17, 2014, 11:00 am This guy I thought was cute started to flirt with me and I flirted back, we were like this a couple days, he complimented me a lot, updated his status with things related to me and we laughed a lot. He told me my smile could make him fall in love, and we joked that we were together. He tend today flirted with me further, implying he felt something but then he told me he only liked me a bit and that my personality was awesome but liked a lot of girls the same way. Then I reacted because I hate getting screwed over and I said it was okay and that I was still hooked on my ex. He then reacted to that saying he never meant he wanted a relationship with me. So i said everything was cool and we continued as if nothing happened. Lie, it did hurt me I really thought he really liked me. Did I do it right? Can I still pursue something with him? December 23, 2013, 1:49 am Silly boy. Of course you thought he was trying to pursue something. But as a silly boy, he also likes flirting with other girls and getting reactions from them too. You did good by playing it cool but now you have to be true to yourself.. This boy hurt you. I never wanted a relatiionship with you! Next time he tries flirting you, laugh it off. If he really, truly wants a relationship with you, let him pursue the heck out of you. It started when he asked me to play baseball with the camp kids everyday during break and we had fun. We would play on a team against the kids and were super competitive. Then school ended and I left for a week to go visit family so I missed the first week of summer camp where I assisted all day every weekday. This was super new to me because he almost never talked to me. As summer camp winded down in the last few weeks we went on two field trips together with the kids in the same car and he would always sing all loudly and we would talk about Vine videos we still do. He would always take me in his car when he could and sometimes complimented me on my bjj. So summer ended and time went by he began to open up to me more. He went from disciplining me to respecting me and from treating me like a student to being playfully violent and making weird faces and sounds to get my attention. During the course of summer camp, I got to see his personality and just about fell in love with it. But it seems like the closer we get, the more problems I have with him. He got a girlfriend that lives in Puerto Rico and she visited us at the gym. She was super cool and I liked her, but I noticed when she was around he got really red faced and barely talked. By the end of her visit he denied liking her and realized she was a lot older than him never heard him talk about her again. Then one day after class we were all giving each other hugs and when I got to him he just shook my hand and hugged the person behind me. My friends all say different things but I can never draw my own conclusion. December 7, 2013, 11:15 pm Hey I had the same sich. All u have to do is be a little weird when u r texting like me for example: Me: OMG who do u have a crush on?!? Him: he tells you my guy told me he liked me Who is your crush? We use to text each other paragraphs, but now its a few lines. But he confuses me. I dislike feeling vulnerable and putting my heart out on the line. Ive been hurt before. Im not completely sure if he treats me differently but he does tend to get a little awkward around me sometimes. I asked him once how he knew, he said he watched my body language. I always assumed that he occasionally looks at me in class, but i was never really sure. When i do catch him looking at me, we have this mini stare down, where we both squint until someone blinks. November 19, 2013, 7:40 pm A guy at work flirts with me and shows all signs that he likes me.. I like him too and flirt back with him. We are always laughing whenever together. I think he knows that I like him too. The only catch is we work in different cities and meet only during team meetings. I met him 4 times last 3months. He remembers everything about me and refers to our previous conversations. He told me on his own that he is a divorcee and has a child. He said he likes my sense of humour and jokingly enquired whether I have a boy friend. In our last meeting he took my phone no and texted me something funny about other guy who is in the same room. This was two weeks ago and I thought he would keep in contact this time and pursue me. Exactly at the end of two weeks he sent me an invite to connect on a professional network! I thought it was such a lame move or is he telling me that this is only professional connection! Or is he hesitating because I am a coworker! He has all the qualities that I am looking for in a man and would love if this progresses into something more. But I am hanging back and playing it cool to see whether he would make an attempt to contact me. What do you guys think of this situation? Hopeful or should I write off? He goes to my church, and most of our youth acitvities. He jokes around with me a lot, and hes really nice. And he is only like 3 months older than me. Please help I really really like! Is he just looking for a friendship? What do you think is going on? I met him at a camp and he was one of the counselors. I later learned by help from my friends he was flirting. Sorry this camp was months ago. So a little while after the camp I saw him at warped tour and everyone he saw me he would give me a big hug. It sounds like he likes you, but the age difference is important. He is older and might want you in the wrong way. Its important to choose a guy closer to you age who will respect you and your comfort zone. You could make incredible memories and a better future with someone who you can be a teenager with. I would do anything to be 13 again, so choose who you spend your time with carefully! August 27, 2013, 2:42 am Strap yourselves in, this is very long………. But I desperately want some advice… Please Help!! I have been married for 5 year together for 8 with 2 small children. I recently found out my husband has cheated on me — again!! A year ago I started getting my car serviced at a new place, the owner immediately caught my attention. Everytime I go in there he is always really nice, smile, etc. Most times he offers to give me a lift somewhere even home, which is 6kms away it is in my car, but still. I asked him how old he was and discovered that we are both Aquarians born in the same year. When I call to book my car in for a service he knows its me by my voice.. He always appeared to be flirting with me and made sure he was available when I picked up my vehicle. Anyway I went in there thursday night to pick up my car, I rang earlier in the day and said I couldnt get there by 5:30 he told me the other mechanic would be there until 7pm working on his own car. When I got there he walked out. He told me how upset he had been so I told him about what had happened with my husband we spoke for at least 5-10 minutes before someone pulled up out the front. He pretty much immediately sent a text to my phone asking how the car was. One thing led to another he told me he loved my bluntness and it got him going and we should catch up soon, I suggested the Friday night. He said yes but have to go out with his sister first. We agreed to meet later in the night at a particluar suburb, but not where. At 9pm I sent a an sms saying where I was. Should I have not sent him the texts? Should I send a text confirming the booking? Or cancel the booking, give him some space and let him chase me? I was dating a guy a couple months and knew him almost 2 yrs. March 6, 2013, 12:21 pm PLZ HELP k so I like this guy. I also talk to him in the hall, and after school, since we are very alike and do a lot of the same sports and activities. He might like me because… He stares at me when I look back he usually either freaks out and looks away, or smiles and looks away He compliments me He took up a whole page to sign my yearbook with inside jokes He nicknames me He high fives me He randomly appears wherever I am He slouches and acts comfy when I talk to him He laughs at my jokes He agrees with a lot I say And we just never run out of thing to talk about. The thing is today he told me about this other girl his friends were trying to get him to hook up with date but he said no last minute and called her a slut and told me EVERYTHING. Well, does he just see me as one of the boys? He is an outgoing guy in general, but when were together, things just feel different. Aarrrrggg guys need to show their feelings more. February 28, 2013, 4:47 pm ok so ive liked this guy sense july and we have became really good friends….. This is my last resort. It means he is nervousness wish is a MAJORETTE sign ppl need to look for right away then look for signs that say he likes you then find out how close you guys are by staying in touch and all then when the time is right be weird and start a convo like this. Me: OMG who do u have a crush on?!? Him: he tells you my guy told me he liked me Who is your crush? So he smiles lots and we text a few times a week. He asked my advice about another girl. Do you think he is interested in me or is this other girl actually who is is interested in. November 1, 2012, 1:48 am Hi, I need your help for this situation. He made a cute nickname for me and is always smiling when we talk. Problem is, he is shy and would probably NEVER make a move. We used to talk for 7 hours everyday and when he didnt talk to me for one day, he apologizes and really feels sorry. Everytime my friends that are girls and I walk around and we see him, he always looks away because he is super shy. I feel like we are growing apart from each other and since we dont have any classes together this year, he is forgetting about me. October 25, 2012, 12:38 am i am really confused on my situation with this guy. I dare you guys to kiss right now. I am relying on your cyber advice to tell me what to do! October 20, 2012, 10:05 pm well, there is a boy i have known for ages, and i have always had a soft spot for him. He began sexting me a few months back, but then i found he did it to loads of other girls who all seemed to gang up on him and so i decided to stick up for him, however… since then he has spoken to me but he just seems weird. He was the TA for 2 of my classes and he is a year ahead of me in school, although he is actually 6 years older than me, but anyways. But in general I usually see him at school or at school functions. My last name is Justice and I had a conversation with him once about my last name and how people always make a big deal about it bc we are in a forensic psychology program. He is a very friendly person and says hi to everyone, but he seems to make a big deal out of saying hi to me, at least I think so. So today he decides to sit with my friend and I in the student lounge so he could eat his lunch. He sits down and says I just thought of a joke do you want to hear it, he says the joke and we cant figure out the punch line so he tell us, and it was bad, not like inappropriate but not funny. I laugh at him and tell him it was bad and he told me I should write down because its not bad but its awesome. He then offers me some of his food and then starts talking about all the things he knows how to cook. We also talked about how we both miss the fall because we are both from the east and now live in LA. He also mentioned that he was single and that single life is better than dating her. He also mentioned that that was 8 months ago when hey broke up. Mind you i have known him for a year and have been struggling with whether he likes me or not this whole time. We end up on the topic of kids because there are a lot of girls in our program and a lot of them are pregnant. We talked about how grad school would not be an ideal time for kids and what not. We end the conversation with him telling me that he doesnt like most of his classmates bc they all think they are the best when they arent and that he liked my class because we are moe laid back. I am just trying to figure out if he likes me he picks on me and jokes around a lot with me while also telling me a t of personal info about himself. We both have an interesting sense of humor that i thin people usually find odd but I feel like we think a lot a like. There are a dozen other situations like this where I leave wondering if he likes me. But then again I think if he did he would have done something about it by now. Although I think there may have been a time when I missed him attempting to ask me out. After he was working with a group from my class he was a TA for we were talking and he was like I feel like doing something spontaneous and fun. And I was just kinda like of yeah and didnt say anything else. A friend of mine afterwards was like i think he was trying to get you to say yeah me to so he could ask you out on a date but once again I am not sure. I then end some of my friends keep saying I should just ask him out or ask him if he wants to hang out to try and figure him out. I have kind of done this before, in high school I asked a guy to prom and he said no. But that was when I as a teenager asking out a teenager. Withe an actual man I dont know how to ask hm out or if I should, I have read a lot of articles saying that women shouldnt bc if they liked you they would make a move,and others that say you should and that guys like that. If I was confident in knowing that he liked me I would be more willing to do it. So my problem is figuring out if he likes me and if I should just ask him out. I am concerned because I do not want the next 3 years of school to be awkward if he says no or if it doesnt work out because I like talking to him and him calling me by my last name. September 26, 2012, 4:14 am Look he is a weird guy the good kind u want to hang on to so do what I do to find out if my crush likes me for example: Me:who is your crush Him:you he might say someone else or u and someone else but look in their eyes to see if they sparkle or suddenly change shade or see if they r blushing or playing with something who is your crush? Ok, so we started being friends two weeks before he broke up, and we spent already at the time hours and hours talking at night over the internet. I know his ex used to harass him over facebook, too. A few days after he broke up with his girlfriend, he was telling me he needed his fun, and live his young life, and realised through the conversation I was attracted to him at the time it was mere attraction. August 31, 2012, 4:27 am ok so im totally confuzed!!!! And he plays football!!! July 27, 2012, 8:48 am Hi! I was surprised at that time because at that time,I know he is a SMART guy and well-known for his mathematic solving problem brain since he always get an a+ in the exam.. I was very displeased.. I was in rage at that time.. I FELT MY HEART BEATING FAST WITHOUT KNOWING WHY.. I blushed so hard to his answer and I think he is looking at me at that time.. It happened again in my birthday.. I ignored it at first but when the japanese class started.. I was puzzled and soo I turned back.. I tried to erased it but he wrote it with permanent marker and so one of my friends said that she will keep that paper in the mean time.. I glared at him and saw him smirking at me.. Actually there's tons of things he did that made me puzzled like when I didn't come in school for a week,he asked my friend,E of where is my whereabout.. But when we reach the next grade this year we're in separated class.. I don't want to have these thoughts but since it's driving me nuts.. I can't keep thinking about it.. I love him but I don't know if these feelings will reach him someday.. I wanted to talk to him but I'm to scared to opened up my mouth.. What should I do? What can I do? July 25, 2012, 6:12 am Hi! I was surprised at that time because at that time,I know he is a SMART guy and well-known for his mathematic solving problem brain since he always get an a+ in the exam.. I was very displeased.. I added him on f. Well i go to college and he works. I knew him since very long but its strange that i didnt get a crush on him. When he looked int0 the mirror in the van, i looked into his eyes directly and since that time i just cant forget him.. I get to see him everyday. But i actually dont like the way he looks at me.. How will i know if he likes me or not?? sorry its a bit like an essay ; any help plz??? One time a friend flicked gum at me and it got stuck in my hair ew, I know and the guy I like spent fifteen minutes with his fingers threaded through my hair picking it all out. He laughs at all my rubbish jokes and he teases me too. One time another guy was threateneing to push me into the water and the guy I like picked him up, waded out to the water and held him an inch above the water before dropping him off on dry land again. Please… I could really do with an opinion from a guy or indeed anyone. June 14, 2012, 4:20 pm Alright so my friends and many other people tell me he likes me and this is what he does around me. So do you think that he is into me or is this average? June 9, 2012, 12:06 am SO THERES THIS GUY THAT WORKS AT THE LOCAL WALGREENS HES A CASHIER AND LATELY IVE BEEN WANTING TO GET HIS NUMBER BECAUSE I FEEL SO ATTRACTED TO HIM. IS HE INTO ME? OR HOW CAN I ASK FOR HIS NUMBER?? June 6, 2012, 4:01 pm So I just met this guy this year and he is in one of my classes. He pokes me in the side and says the sounds that I make are cute. He also pokes other girls. Our friend keeps saying that we should just go out already. It would really help if you could give me advice May 27, 2012, 11:12 pm ok theres is a guy which you slready know. Since then, I have tried to go no contact multiple times. All times, he says he wants to stay friends and keep talking. I get so confused by his behavior! What the heck do I do? Just continue with this? I just want more. April 24, 2012, 9:04 pm I really enjoyed reading what you wrote. But I find whenever we meet eye to eye we both look away quickly. I realize that I really like him. But I have NO idea why. What should I do? Does he have a thing? Is that why I keep holding back? There is this guy in my class that has been joking around with me and has been doing all these crazy things. He started calling me mean names. One day he got up and looked for her. My heart felt like it was damaged. I had never felt that before. It felt like some one just hurt me, I guess. It was very undiscribable. Anyway, I started asking my cousin for help and she told me he really liked me and that I should talk to him. I was so nervous to talk to him, but I faced my fear. I talked to him. Well really just stumbled on words. My mind went blank. I felt like a fool. I tried talking to him again, to tell him how i really felt about him. April 23, 2012, 12:06 am i have a question when a guy keeps asking u if u like him and u keep saying no but i really do think he is hot but does tht mean when he keeps asking me if i like does it mean he likes me or am i overreacting because he kinda is nice to me and he does tease me and talk to in my art class and he keeps saying that i think his hot and i tell him no i just dont want him not liking me and i like him i am fat so tht makes a differentence to so thts y i want to knw. April 20, 2012, 10:40 am ok. I catch him looking a lot, though. Anyways, I just need some help catching his eye, he knows I like him and just need help getting him a little more interested. I would love it if you would help me, thanks! April 2, 2012, 7:31 pm hey. I sit infront of him. And he only does this to me.. March 19, 2012, 10:55 pm ugggg im 12 turning 13 soon there is this guy in my class i still like him which ive like him since 5th grade now i am in 7th grade and so is he and i think he is so hot he is blonde with blue eyes and i dont know if he likes me or not he stares at me alot and i dont know if I shud ask him but the last time i tried he said no and i told one of his best friends that he probaly wont date me because he is not ready and when his friend went to talk to him he said he was totally ready but i am too afraid to ask him out because i dont know if he likes me or not so i need some help please somebody helpppppppppppppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! March 19, 2012, 9:33 pm So obviously there is this guy, and we are pretty great friends. We are a year or two apart, him being older. We always chat, and lately he has taken to ticking me in mini-wars. He baked me some cookies for Valentines day; and when will sometimes randomly pat my head and mess with my hair. My friends think he does, and a few people on the bus have commented that we seem to be really, really good friends. March 4, 2012, 10:40 pm can you tell if he likes me from this we have known each other since pre-school and i have liked him since ive known him. Some of the things he does and says makes me think he likes me, but then other things make me think the opposite. If it is a big sign or anything. Please : February 29, 2012, 10:07 pm so theres this guy i jus met 2 weeks ago. We were put in the same class this year, and we sat with each other at the beginning, but we talked too much, so the teacher has never let us sit together again. The only time I talk to him is on Facebook which is online he always trys to get my attention like he walks past me once he even touched me on the back! When there are plenty of other seats in the room he comes and sits right next to me during classes. He also ditches his friends to come and talk to me. He also grabs my hand a lot and rests his head on my shoulder. February 22, 2012, 2:55 pm hey, so there is a guy in my class…. We were good friends before, but now he is just totally ignoring me and has blocked me online. I thought this article was really helpful and a lot of what you said really made sense. I really want to do something, SOMETHING for once but 1. And I know I should at least work on my confidence because my confidence is close to non existent, only with a few of my friends am I more openly confident. Anyone, I would really love some advice. First, if you think there might be a chance, then go for it. The mistake that holds most people back from going for it is they turn it into some huge ordeal. Or try to exchange numbers so you can text. If you feel that you need to be talking frequently and spending quality time together before you add each other on Facebook, then put your focus on spending great time together. Also… you will never really, truly know how another person actually feels about you. Make that decision and respond to him accordingly. February 17, 2012, 10:20 am So theres a guy who i really like but He really likes my friend but hey dnt talk at all , and well she doesnt really like hime , she thinks hes creepy. Me and him are always together. So do you think he likes me or what? Now in grade 8 we arent in each others class so I never get to talk to him except for after school, on the bus ride home. It really bugs me. February 5, 2012, 9:22 pm So im wondering if this guy is interested in me. He is drop dead gorgeous and im unsure if I stand a chance. We never talked at school, then one day while I was talking to a mutual friend of his he jumped in the conversation, although it didnt last long. The next day on facebook I posted a status and he commented on it with something from the conversation we had the day before although it was completely irrelevant to the status. The comments exceeded 300 comments before we finally stopped. A week later he messaged me on facebook and we have been messaging for 2 weeks now, although the conversation is just random things. Could he like me, or just wants a new friend? However, I keep catching his eyes a lot during class or in the hallways. And now for the part where I go completely bonkers and read into things too much. I refused of course, but he smiled at me afterwards. Though I suppose he could just be having an off day… But once when he was on the other team, he actually passed the ball to me intentionally but another more likely explanation is that his team members sucked and I was a decent player. There was also a time when he was one of the science fair participants I was researching on. At first he kept messing around to mess up my results, but he stopped when I asked him nicely and scored much higher. The fact that he only messed with my testing makes me wonder if he likes me or if he just plain out hates me. I like to smile at him in those instances in class web we HAVE to work with each other, but I think I might have said something to make him mad. This was several months ago, so I was still a new student. When he asked me if I found Anonymous attractive, I told him no downright lie, now that I think about it , and my crush heard me. The same male friend asked me if Anonymous had hit on me yet, though I may have heard wrong my friends chose that moment to have a loud debate over Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings. Or he could have been speaking to the girl beside me. January 28, 2012, 6:41 pm Hey Eric, Okay so there is this guy that I met a few weeks ago in school. Ever since then we have been talking a lot , and getting to know each other. He initiates conversations with me and is always looking directly into my eyes when he speaks to me. But, I am waiting for him to make a move. January 25, 2012, 9:04 pm Eric Charles help me please…. We never talk in class because I am shy and he always try to talk to me by asking senseless questions. What does it mean? January 21, 2012, 2:22 am I have this classmate of mine who is my crush. We never talk in class because I am shy and he always try to talk to me by asking senseless questions. I really really like him. We talk every day at school and we make each other smile and laugh. I wanna know does he like me? I am like overweight anyways so nobody would like me. But idk maybe he is different?? But nobody likes people like me. Should I just leave it? I have just recently asked to be his friend on this social networking site. I like him, but he wont like me ever!! January 20, 2012, 1:09 pm theres this boy i really like but i dont know if he likes me, we talk a few times a day at school and when im not at school he will text me and ask if im okay and he pokes me and in music he hit my butt with a drum stick one day and he always pokes me and he calls me goth because im quiet and i always wear my hair down but im not goth and he always says i flirt with all of these boys his friends but i dont and we can text for hours at a time and he has touched my leg before and he flirts with me and stuff but he flirts with alot of girls and he calls me short not in a mean way tho and him and one of his friends lockers are by my locker and they always try to close my locker when i get it open not in a mean way and when we text he always talks about gross stuff and he has said that he doesnt have a gf to ppl in front of me b4. January 19, 2012, 5:11 pm i like this guy.. I was with my friends at my locker and i went to put on my makeup when i came back the guy i like was right there. I got so scared i ran to the nearest bathroom. Then one of my friends took a picture of me and i tryed to get her to retake the pic but she had to go. The problem was the pic was blurred and from the angle it was taken it made me look like i had a big fore head. Im like the life of the party. So I kept trying to make up my mind to at least say hi or wave to him. But every time he passes me i freeze. He acts like he has no idea im the girl from the pic or like nothing ever happened and im scared to say hi because he might think im weird or something because so many people already told him i liked him. January 12, 2012, 10:43 am I liked this guy who I thought was quite odd at first.. Then I realized he acts Different around me, in a good way. His friends tease him about him liking me and he always says hi to me in the halls. And frankly I love it. January 2, 2012, 3:30 pm Hi! I have an issue, can u help? There is this guy i like, of course. And he texts me just about every night, we have long conversations and there not of any importance. But just the other day he started getting a little bit deeper and deeper.. I thought i was getting off lucky! I thought i may have had him hooked. But he has started to involve my best friend in most of the topics.. I tried just shrugging it off and moving on but it doesnt seem to change, Did i blow my chance? Can i get him back? This someone else is a freshman girl who I became friends with after becoming friends with him. The only thing getting in my way is her. This guy is really smart and loves conversation and challennges, both of which I give him. I just dont know how to handle a situation like this. I think i need to show him that aside from conversation, I can also give him the same attention -physically- that this other girl can. How can I send this message across, or deal with this other girl? We met through a choir, and we see each other once a week, and he asks me to sing with his regularly. He hugs me whenever I see him, and not just once, multiple times. We can talk for hours, like just last night, we talked for about 3 and a half hours! Anyway, last night while we were talking, he said something that really confused me, because I was sure that he liked me, EVEN MY PARENTS THOUGHT SO!! He is 14 and I am 13. Please, please help me. I asked him to a dance last year, but he cancelled a few weeks before saying how he wanted to wait to date, but that if he were to go with anyone, he would want it to be me. What does this mean? Am I being pushy by being the one that texts first? December 19, 2011, 1:52 pm Hey, So there is this guy I like A LOT!!! But, he has rejected every girl that has asked him out in our grade… I mean he always starts a conversation with me, asks for a pencil with acute smile on his face, and many other things like today he walked me to my locker. It is so confusing… People says that he knows and he likes me back and my friend is blackmailing me about it… What she is going to do is ask him out for me!! But I am too shy to ask him myself… December 12, 2011, 10:20 pm Hi, I have this guy who I feel is giving me signals that he likes me, but he has a girlfriend. We are friends and talk and whatnot. We lost touch over summer, but started to talk again recently. I feel all gooey inside around him and I feel like I love him! He is funny, sweet, sincere, cute, everything. When I told him an issue and felt unimportant… his response was that I am important to him. We stand next to each other in chorus and when he had to move he was sad and extended his arm out looking sad. He seems to like to make me laugh and be with me. There was an electric tension spark between us last time we stood next to each other. He is glad we are back in touch. He plays around with me, joking with me and whatnot… gives really warm hugs. When I came into school with a cast on, he walked up to me and asked if I am okay and hugged me and signed the cast. He looked concerned and when I went up to him and asked for a hug he gave me a really great hug and seemed into It and wanted to know what was up and seemed truly concerned and like he really does care. He has a girlfriend. My friend says they make out around the school. These all must be signs. I REALLY like this guy! What do you think? But he never gave any impression of him being interested in a relationship with me. Since he graduated, we only talk every so often. But it will be the two of us. So is it a friend thing? Or is it a date? I just want to know! December 8, 2011, 9:03 pm Ok. I have an utterly confusing situation right now. I honestly dont know what I should do and it is heart crushingly painful to watch. December 7, 2011, 10:11 pm I went to turkey for a holiday with my mum dad and brother.. In our complex there was a small bar where everyone went to with two working bar men called erhan and ozi now ozi is 27 and erhan is 38 while I was over the bar ozi was looking at me up and down then hugged me, then another day he was staring in my eyes and I kept looking away because I always feel uncomfertable when someone stares at me in the eyes he told me to not be afraid and look in his eyes and he had a wierd look on his face like he liked me.. Then another day I was leaving the bar and ozi shook my hand but held on to it for a Minuit while still talking to me does this meen he fancies me?? December 7, 2011, 7:29 am Lol this is actually kinda fun reading all this stuff. Snickers If you were that cold to me I would just give up. If a guy says your pretty then he basically likes you. We never go for a compliment that will mean a great deal as just that, a compliment. If were gonna say your pretty then we have some sort of connection with you. Go by tone and use of words that are descriptive. The more descriptive the better I guess you could say. December 6, 2011, 5:10 pm Whoa. I was looking through how to write a book and I typed in guy then this website showed up. I know six different girls who do shit like that. Sometimes it is our objective to make a girl go crazy. To mess with their head. It means one of two things, they either a. Just want to screw with you or B. We usually do something like that and this is kinda mean for sexual reasons or we do it because we think you are out of our league. I, myself, have done stuff like that. For instance, really really graceful, nice, just a good person overall. I can truly admit that hahahaha. So first off if you continuously text a guy and he only texts you back on certain days or times that is the basic trick. It actually works pretty well. Usually what happens is that the girl gets aggravated and will wait for a response, once they get it they are actually happy. I can say all this with absolute certainty, by the way Another one would be simply giving a hug. In my experience if you give a girl a really long hug and will nestle into your arms and stay there. If they pull away once that happens you know that they are just using another stupid trick on you. The list for this stuff just goes on and on. ACTUALLY IF HES TEXTING YOU BACK PERIOD IT MEANS HE LIKES YOU. Probably gonna end it here. December 6, 2011, 4:52 pm ok so i like a guy but my friend likes him to and we both know each other likes his but she went out with him any ways and dident ask me if it was ok with me and when she did go out with him she didnt even tel me so i had to find that out on my own then another one of my friends told him that i like him and i didnt want her to so i dont know what to do pease help me any one please P. S the guy that i like is nova my freid who is going ou with him is leslee the girl who told nova that i like him is amani and i am brittney P. S PLEASE HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE December 4, 2011, 2:03 pm Hi my name is Snickers fake name. I have this boy i like. We have gotten to know each other. Before he even knew i liked him, he used to show me lots of magic tricks. And well, he and i used to be in cross country. I was a loner in there, but he would always try to talk to me. Towards the end of the season, he kept asking if i am going to join basketball but i keep tlling him no. And he kept convincing me. And well i told him i liked him…. He would always look at me. And my friend without my permission texted him if he liked him.. When i go out, he would be standing right there, and when he sees me, he pretends he was doing something else. Or he would be slowly walking out. When he turns the corner he would look back thinking it was me or someone else. One day we did a skit, he was in the front of the class, he was watching me so turned around and closed my eyes, and last on my friend came up to me and said when i turned he was staring at my head. His locker is like 10 lockers away from mine. And when i was getting my book i could feel he was looking. ALso when the bell rang, i was still doing my essay, when i was done i looked up and saw him still there,when i started getting ready to leave he did the same. Also considering he has a recent girlfriend. December 2, 2011, 11:22 pm there this guy! December 2, 2011, 1:01 pm I have been liking this boy for 6 years now and for the past 3 years ive been sitting behind him in class, We Talk and joke around almost everyday. So I still owe him. November 22, 2011, 6:14 pm There is a boy in my class who I REALLY like. And, after the past couple of months.. I Was positive he liked me back, too. Flirty game things we did back and forth, and he always made sure to say something to me at least once every day. Well, my friend was feeling gutsy so she walked up to him, said we would be cute, and asked if he liked me. He said not really. Things after that have been weird and he barely talks to me. Could he have just been put on the spot by how abrupt it was? Or does he really not and I guess he just likes to flirt with his friends? November 15, 2011, 12:44 am AP you know when a girl and a guy looks at each other in a special way there is always something there. You think he would even bother looking at you if hes not interested? A guy who would not look away when you look at him is either just a brave cocky prick, or he has a crush on you. But when you look at each other a lot then you both gotta solve that problem. Life is too short for any regrets so the next time you catch him looking at you and he doesnt look away, hold it and look at him directly in his eyes then move closer to him without looking away. Then say, are we gonna talk or look at each other? November 14, 2011, 8:36 pm Hi Eric : I really really really need your help. He texts me everyday and he talks to me atleast 10 times a day, one day in gym class we were flirting and one if the class Hellers asked my friend if me and this guy had something going on. My friend said no and then after she told me she told him… And he wanted to know more about what the teacher had said, so did I but my friend said that nothing else was said by the teacher. Please can you help me? Thanks and I love your webpage too! I always noticed him too, but was already in a relationship. He locks his eyes on me with a very direct and intense look whenever we pass. He was with a colleague and I was alone. I was too stunned to even smile. He even stopped in his tracks. Anyhow, he looked away first, then walked to catch up with his friend. Or was he just taken off guard too? Should I give up now or smile and say hi next time I see him? November 8, 2011, 11:45 am I like this one guy and I told two people I liked him about a week ago and he already knows I like him. The only reason I know he knows I like him is because my friend told me that he went up to her and asked if she heard the news that I like them, but she was nice and pretended that she had no idea what I was talking about. November 1, 2011, 11:15 pm Hi, I am in a really weird situation. I like this boy, but he has a girlfriend and his girlfriend is really over protective. His girlfriend is really mean to me because she knows I like him. The boy I like and the girlfriend that he is with have broken up and got back together 4 times now, which yes is really strange. I really like this boy, but as you see the situation I am in is crazy!!! October 25, 2011, 3:47 am Hi Eric! So I like this guy in my class we go to different schools though. He seems like the out going guy, because I checked out his Face Book and he has a few female friends who he…seems pretty close with. October 12, 2011, 10:09 pm Eric! After this event, we worked much more closely with each other on special projects, and I grew to respect him for his capabilities and found him more attractive by day despite having some work conflicts with him sometimes. Recently, he offered to make me coffee when I was sick at work, which I declined because I just felt it would be unacceptable to have someone on a boss level making coffee for me. By this point, my attraction towards him has turned to a mad obsessive crush. In fact, if he knows I am pissed off, he tries to mend the words he said for it to sting less. To dismiss this, I explain to everyone that he still thinks I am young and has a long way to learn. Then last week, he came over to my office for a meeting and came bearing gifts. He would usually get candies for my team to share, but this time, after passing the candies along, he came directly to me with a box… he got me merchandise from my alma mater which he knows I am very attached to. We talked about this before, his mom lives nearby my alma mater, and since we are both out of the country, he got his mom to buy it and ship it to him so he could give it to me. It wasnt pricey but the idea that he did that blew me away. Is it possible to have a guy that sweet do something that amazing for no reason? I am both smitten yet confused. October 11, 2011, 10:58 am I have a big crush on this guy. The problem is my friends asked him if he liked me and he said no. The thing that Is throwing me off is that he is complementing me in soccer, no one else just me. Sorry I this is too long but I need ur help! Oh yes and we also text alot and he often asks what we should talk about now signaling that he likes talking to me.